Pygame Webassembly port tech demo

Made with

For pygame for web browser gh-issue #718 (devlog)

Log :

[ 2022-04-28 Pygame Zero shell ] use cd/ls/pwd/display commands, type to run scripts, or pgzrun note: not all examples were tested, ymmv.

[ 2022-04-16
release from @CAPTAIN : flappy bird proper ]

[ 2022-04-16 @GuilhermeJuventino's Generic Space Shooter ]

[ 2022-04-15 Pymunk 4 + Chipmunk 7.0.3, Pygame box pyramide ] Unstable, dynamic linking is not deterministic and depends on clang upstream state

[ 2022-04-11 Pygame Loader (Android/Web) : BreakPong ]
Merging Two classic, can compare with html5 version here

[ 2022-04-10 upgraded the android bridge loader to its async version and CPython 3.11a7 ]
You should see an asyncio clock in terminal while running games.

[ 2022-04-04 Pygame Loader (Android/Web) : Aeroblaster **]

Thanks goes to
But as he yet has only allowed for that particular tech demo : ** DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE WITHOUT AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT **
[ 2022-04-03 Pygame Loader (Android/Web) : Asteroids **]
    _        _                 _     _
   / \   ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ (_) __| |___
  / _ \ / __| __/ _ \ '__/ _ \| |/ _` / __|
 / ___ \\__ \ ||  __/ | | (_) | | (_| \__ \
/_/   \_\___/\__\___|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|___/

by Amin Bandali
GPL: Actual code
[ 2022-04-01 python3.11a6 + pygame-wasm branch as a emscripten wasm app* : pong (classic) **]

[ 2022-03-07 python3.11a5 + pygame git as a emscripten wasm app* : pong **]
nuked by @CAPTAIN, please disregard.

Pygame community :
WebAssembly Python :
French Support Group : or irc libera/oftc chat #WaPy
pygame-wasm is here until upstreaming is complete